“Spectral Encounters”, led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Basak Senova, is a two-semester course offered in the summer semester of 2019/2020 by Art and Communication Practices at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. It is a 3 credits course per semester. In 2021/2022, the course will follow a collaborative content for 30 weeks along with tutorial meetings, which was designed by 9 curators/instructors/coordinators from the partnering institutions: Anne Klontz (Stockholm); Bronwyn Lace (Johannesburg/Vienna); Çelenk Bafra (Istanbul); Johan Thom (Pretoria); Karim Sultan (Tunis); Marti Manen (Stockholm); Paul O’Neill (Helsinki); and Tina Sherwell (Birzeit). Some additional lectures
The activities spread around among each node. In University of the Applied Arts Vienna, the programme will continue through 2 semester 3 credit (3 hours) Spectral Encounters course, so the participants will get 6 credits from the university and all the participants will receive certificates from the programme.
The course incorporates with The Octopus Programme and includes peer to peer educational secessions, online and class discussions, research field-trips and workgroups both in Tunis and Vienna, collaborative production-based workshops, and lectures. The course also includes guest lecturers, collaborated academic exchanges and curated presentations of the students/artists in different cities.